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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Where to Get Beats / Instrumentals

Have you ever had a favorite song that you listened to over and over again for several days, weeks, months even? Of course you have, everybody did, but did it happen to you that a friend of yours, traumatized by this favorite song of yours ask you: "What do you like so much about that song, what is it about?". Probably about 10-20% of the cases you knew exactly what the subject was about, but in the rest of the cases you probably answered: "I don't know, I just like the beat".
So it is obvious that the beat/instrumental adds very much if not the most value to your song.
Today, there are more up-coming artists than ever before, not only because the population grew, but the main reason is that beats have become so accessible for everybody through the help of WEBSITES DEDICATED TO BEATS. And if you are a new artists you have to stand out of the crowd, not only with your mind-blowing LYRICS or your amazing VOICE, but your breath-taking BEATS/INSTRUMENTALS that when a fan of yours is listening to your musical projects, the "HOT" beats come one after the other and so on.
This being said let us solve this mystery where do you get these beats from?
There are numerous Beat Websites that offer you Leased Beats, Exclusive Beats, Custom Made, even Free ones.
My advice is if you have $30-$40 to spend do not go only for the Free Beats, not that they aren't quality, they usually are, but get some Leased Beats instead they cost about $10 to $25 dollars each but you can get some great deals with the producers that make them and get to work with them in the future if you establish a relationship with these producers, they will even help you promote in most cases, and you would have more unique beats, not some Free ones that everybody can get. Don't forget, the objective of an artist is to STAND OUT OF THE CROWD.
Lets get down to the websites I recommend. I personally like because there are a lot of "Hot" producers there, and if I were you I would lease some beats from the Top Producers of the Week, or the Top Selling Producers, because they really are the best. It takes a little time to find the producer that you feel makes "Your kind of beats" but it is worth the while.
Another site is a website dedicated to producers, but it is perfect for artists to browse again through top selling producers or top beats.
These are the best sites that I know, of course there are more, but this is all you need to get in touch with the top producers and get the beats that you want.


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