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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Discover the Types of Animation System

Computer animation is a branch of study in the area of computer graphics and animation technologies. It is a creative field that involves creating moving images (individual characters or real-life scenarios or both) by using various software and other animation tools. All these images are normally created on a computer and then can be converted into movies for big screen shows. Cartoons and animation pictures are an apt example of computer animation. 3-D animation that involves the use of three-dimensional effects is widely preferred. It makes the animated image look as natural as a real-life image.
It is divided into two broad categories, computer-generated animation and computer-assisted animation. In the former category, the animation is solely created on a computer system. In another type, an already created animation is computerized by adding various effects.
There are many different types that have their own distinctive features and characteristics. Scripting Systems are one of the oldest systems of such technology that focus on controlling movement of images. The animator had to identify and code very movement depicted in the storyboard for the animation. Thus, knowing this computer language was a prerequisite for every aspiring animator.
One of the popular scripting systems was ASAS (Actor Script Animation Language). The system introduced the concept of an actor. Every actor is an object that has its own animation rules. For example, the object 'car' is an object. It has an in-built coding that makes its wheel rotate in tandem while showing a moving image of the car. This reduces the effort to a great extent that now needs to focus on adding such obvious details.
Behavioral Animation
It involved defining the rules of behavior for every identified object or actor. For instance, a hungry dog looks gloomy.
Procedural Animation
Procedure is a type of system that shows a series of movement in a period of time. Here, the underlying principal is that of 'Cause and Effect.' For example, a speedy truck caused the roadside dustbin to fly in the air, which fell on the head of a sleeping man.
Representational Animation
This system allows an object to change its shape in different ways. This proves to be a inspiring and interesting system that adds value to this computer language.
Stochastic Animation
It involves the use of stochastic processes to co-ordinate groups of actors of an animating scene. For instance, a scene of rain involves clouds, rain drops, a wet person, etc.


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